Transit Bipartition

It is a procedure used in obesity surgery. In this procedure, a section of the small intestine is bypassed, skipping this area during the digestion process of meals, thus reducing calorie absorption.

It aims to reduce nutrient absorption and promote weight loss by making changes in the digestive system. During the surgery, a portion of the stomach is cut to create a smaller stomach pouch, and a certain part of the intestines is bypassed or connected. As a result, the patient consumes less food, feels full faster, and limits the absorption of nutrients. Transit bipartition surgery can help overweight or obese patients lose weight and assist in correcting some obesity-related health problems.


Transit bipartition surgery is a metabolic surgical procedure performed on individuals with diabetes who do not have excess weight. This method is one of the most advanced techniques in the field of metabolic surgery. The main goal of the surgery is to limit food intake by disrupting absorption and stimulate the secretion of certain hormones that contribute to blood sugar regulation. It has minimal side effects on the digestive system because it has precise control over the absorption process.

During the surgery, a portion of the stomach is removed, but unlike standard gastric bypass procedures, no cutting is involved. This method is used to control blood sugar even in non-obese patients. The part of the stomach that is removed is the area where a specific hormone that increases appetite is secreted.

In the second stage, the intestines are manipulated. While it can vary for each patient, an incision is made based on certain measurements. A point is marked between 130 and 150 centimeters from the lower part of the intestines, and then the intestines are divided by progressing 100-120 centimeters upwards from this point.

The upper end of the lower intestinal segment is connected as a second pathway under the stomach. The portion of the intestines exiting from the stomach is connected to the lower intestinal segment at the initially marked point. In this way, two different intestinal pathways are created, which progress towards the anus but with their upper parts significantly distant from each other. The main purpose of transit bipartition surgery, which is the complete elimination of diabetes, is easily achieved through this intestinal flow pattern.

Transit bipartition surgery is not suitable for every individual with diabetes. Patients should undergo a detailed evaluation before the surgery.

Transit Bipartition Surgery Price

You are at the right place to learn about the cost of transit bipartition surgery and the services offered. Feel free to contact us to find the best option for you.

  • Preoperative Examinations
  • VIP Transfers
  • Only 1 companion may stay with the patient
  • Medicament and multivitamin package
  • PCR test if required
  • Appointment with nutritionist
  • 5 nights’ accommodation at hospital
  • Individual patient care in English during the stay at the hospital
  • Patient Care after Operation (via WhatsApp)
All The Answers To Your Questions Are Here!

Our aim is to provide detailed and comprehensive answers to all your questions about Transit Bipartition Surgery, helping you make informed decisions and alleviate your concerns. If you have more questions or need further information about Transit Bipartition Surgery, feel free to contact our experts.

Transit Bipartition is one of the procedures used in obesity surgery. During this procedure, the stomach is made smaller and changes are made to the intestinal pathway. As a result of the surgery, food intake is reduced, and the absorption process is altered, leading to weight loss.

Transit Bipartition surgery is usually performed using a minimally invasive technique known as laparoscopic surgery. The surgeon makes small incisions in the abdominal area and carries out the procedure with the help of a camera and thin surgical instruments. The stomach is divided into two parts, and rearrangements are made in the intestines.

Transit Bipartition surgery can be performed on individuals who are severely overweight or obese and have failed with other weight loss methods. It is generally recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) above 40 or a BMI above 35 with obesity-related health problems.

Transit Bipartition surgery supports weight loss through two mechanisms. Firstly, it reduces the size of the stomach and helps tolerate a smaller food volume. Secondly, the changes made in the intestines reduce nutrient absorption, which helps you consume fewer calories and lose weight.

The recovery process after Transit Bipartition surgery can vary from person to person, but patients typically stay in the hospital for 3 to 5 days. During the recovery process, it is important to follow a specialized diet, limit physical activity, and attend the recommended follow-up appointments with the surgeon. Patients can establish a long-term follow-up plan with a dietitian or an obesity surgery team to sustain post-surgery weight loss and adopt healthy lifestyle changes.

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