Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to correct sagging and loosening of the inner thigh area. The aim of this surgery is to achieve a more aesthetic appearance by removing excess skin and fat tissue and tightening the skin.

Inner thigh lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct sagging and looseness in the inner thigh area. In this procedure, excess skin and fat tissue are removed, and the remaining tissues are tightened. Inner thigh lift surgery is an effective method used to achieve an aesthetic appearance and reshape the skin tissue. It requires careful postoperative recovery and generally provides long-lasting results.


Inner thigh lift surgery, also known as medial thighplasty in medical terms, is a surgical procedure performed to correct aesthetic issues such as sagging, looseness, or excess fat accumulation in the inner thighs.

Inner thigh lift surgery is typically carried out to address skin sagging that occurs after weight loss or with aging. In these cases, the skin has lost its elasticity and tone, leading to sagging and loosening in the inner thighs.

The surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia and can take approximately 2 to 4 hours. The surgeon makes an incision starting from the groin area and extends along the inner thigh, removing excess fatty tissue. Then, the necessary procedures are performed to tighten and reshape the skin. The incisions are closed with fine stitches, and the operation is completed.

The recovery process after surgery can vary from person to person, but patients can typically return to normal daily activities within 1 to 2 weeks. Swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort may be present in the legs after the surgery. Wearing a special compression garment and taking care of wound healing are important to support the recovery.

Inner thigh lift surgery generally provides long-lasting results. However, factors such as the aging process and lifestyle can lead to eventual loosening or sagging over time. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing weight control, and engaging in regular exercise are important to support the longevity of the results.

In conclusion, inner thigh lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct sagging or looseness in the inner thighs. The postoperative recovery process is important, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is necessary to achieve long-term results.

Thigh Lift Surgery Price

You are in the right place to learn about the price information and services included for the Thigh Lift procedure. Feel free to contact us to find the most suitable option for you.

  • Doctor examination and Check-ups
  • Preoperative Examinations
  • VIP Transfers
  • Only 1 companion may stay with the patient
  • 1 nights’ accommodation at hospital
  • It is mandatory to stay in Antalya for 7-10 days.
  • Individual patient care in English during the stay at the hospital
  • 1 Year Post-op Follow-Up
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Inner thigh lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct sagging inner thigh skin, typically caused by weight loss or aging.

Inner thigh lift surgery is usually done under anesthesia. Excess skin and fat tissue are removed through a skin incision. The skin is then pulled taut and the incisions are closed.

The recovery process can vary from person to person, but typically, there may be pain, swelling, and bruising in the first few weeks after surgery. The complete healing process may take several months.

The duration of inner thigh lift surgery can vary depending on the individual's condition, but generally takes between 2 to 4 hours.

The results of inner thigh lift surgery are generally considered permanent. However, over time, sagging may occur again due to aging, weight gain, and other factors. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the results.

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