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What should we do after obesity surgery?

Medication You should start taking medication for stomach acid on the day before the operation and continue to take this medication for six months.

Activity To avoid clotting and pneumonia, it is important that you walk in your own clothes for a few hours after the operation. You should also bend your feet forward and backward when lying in the bed (venous pump exercises).

Pain and Nausea We have developed effective routines to relieve pain and nausea in obesity metabolic surgery.

Fluid Intake You will start to consume fluids the day after the operation.You will be given a serum for your fluid needs,but it is very important that you drink also yourself. Your remaining fluid needs will be covered with serum.Your fluid intake will be gradually increased the next day.

PEP (Positive Expiratory Pressure) Apparatus You will be given a PEP apparatus during admission.We recommend that you use this apparatus every hour(2x15 breaths)during the first twentyfour hours after surgery.We recommend using this apparatus 4-6 times a day for the first few weeks to avoid complications in the airways.

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